Article Listing

Interview With Jordan Syatt (IPA World Record Holder)

Jordan is one of those individuals I’ve watched rise to popularity in the past few years. I knew him back when he had a website that was barely functioning, and not many knew who he was. Now he’s published all over the place and is one of the individuals that actually helped ME out as I was preparing for that […]

You Can’t BUY Health, But You CAN Do This Instead…

Ask a rich person dying of a completely preventable disease how much he or she would pay to get their younger, healthier body back. I guarantee that 99% of the time, their answer will be “every penny that I have.” But the sad truth, is that they can’t. Because you cannot BUY health; it’s not something you can replenish with the use […]

Here’s A Fitness Testimonial Most Trainers Would KILL For

What lies below is a direct cut-and-paste of an email form one of my clients named Lesley, who after some serious work, achieved some spectacular results. Some might even call it a tear-jerker, but I simply call it life changing… because after you’re done reading this, you will walk away a different person from when you started. Count on it. […]

How I Overcame Low Back Pain & Broke A National Deadlift Record

There are two schools of thought when it comes to being the best: one theory says that aiming for the top is hard, tedious and difficult since everyone wants to be up there. Another theory says that it’s easy, since there is less competition at the top because most are trying so hard to be mediocre instead. Once you achieve […]

The Stupidly Simple Way To Get In All Of Your Daily Servings Of Fruits And Veggies

Tell me if the following sounds familiar: “If you are not eating at least 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, you are seriously limiting your efforts when it comes to your well-being and weight management.” I can bet it does, since it’s been the regurgitated mantra of every doctor, dietician and fitness “GooRoo.” However, annoyingly, they do have […]

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Discover How The "Badass Strength" Protocol Can Add 30 To 50 Pounds To Your Deadlift... For FREE!

You're about to get access to a complete strength training program that's great for both beginner or advanced lifters!

(Designed by a coach who has developed champions & set a National Record)

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Discover How You Can Add 30 To 50 Pounds To Your Deadlift In Just 3 Weeks (or Less!)

This program is called Badass Strength, and it’s what elite powerlifters use to add huge numbers to their pull, and BLAST through frustrating plateaus. And today, you can get it for FREE!

For access to this 3 week plan, just enter your email below!
