Tag Archives: supplements

Studies Show Supplements Are Shortening Our Lifespan, But Is It Really True?

Today I wanted to write about a subject that I have a lot of  personal interest in – supplements. While I am no nutritionist or biochemist, I have done my fair share of research on this topic, and will be giving you guys my opinion on their potential benefits and drawbacks. I’m fascinated at the fact that the supplement industry is […]

Can Berberine Aid Fat Loss, And Replace Diabetic Medication? The Facts

Traditional medicine is an interesting thing to research, not only due to the scientific side of things, but also due to geography. In the past, an herb discovered in Thailand would slowly make its way to China if it was incredible, but unlikely to make it to Europe (and forget about it making its way to the Americas). Conversely, medicinal […]

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Discover How The "Badass Strength" Protocol Can Add 30 To 50 Pounds To Your Deadlift... For FREE!

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(Designed by a coach who has developed champions & set a National Record)

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Discover How You Can Add 30 To 50 Pounds To Your Deadlift In Just 3 Weeks (or Less!)

This program is called Badass Strength, and it’s what elite powerlifters use to add huge numbers to their pull, and BLAST through frustrating plateaus. And today, you can get it for FREE!

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