Interview With Jordan Syatt (IPA World Record Holder)

Jordan is one of those individuals I’ve watched rise to popularity in the past few years. I knew him back when he had a website that was barely functioning, and not many knew who he was.

Now he’s published all over the place and is one of the individuals that actually helped ME out as I was preparing for that record-crushing meet in the summer of 2012. This guy’s got a wealth of knowledge and knows how to shoot the shit and joke around, which I love.

So get ready because you’re going to be laughing your ass off, learning some extremely valuable tips, and possibly become pregnant through osmosis.

He obviously gets his good looks from me

He obviously gets his good looks from me

me: Alright, so welcome to my interview series – where political correctness is frowned upon, you can say whatever the hell you want, and nothing you mention can be used against you in the court of law because my readers are probably too busy cracking up to give a shit.

Jordan: Hah that sounds perfect, thanks for having me man

me: No problem homeslice. So this interview was actually a long time coming – why in the hell haven’t we done this sooner? I blame you

Jordan: That’s right, blame the JOO. Dick

me: Well I’m brown, so I gotta blame somebody. Either way, we still don’t have it as bad as black guys; poor Lee Boyce. Did you know he got pulled over for a DWB?

Jordan: pulled over for being black? lol wait are you serious?

me: Yeah, it’s called Driving While Black haha. Well, at least that’s what he said to my buddy Kris.

Jordan: hahahaha, oh that’s wicked funny

me: Those two get more speeding tickets between themselves than I do stamps on my butter chicken loyalty card

Jordan: hahaha how the fuck do you come up with this shit?

me: Equal parts brotein and nootropics. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you about my stack off the record *wink*. But let’s get down to business. You’re here today because you are a legitimate beast and I know you have some knowledge bombs to drop. So because I hate formal intros, why don’t you take this time to do what you’re supposed to when an interview starts – brag about yourself, toot your horn, jerk your chain and basically, tell everyone why you’re awesome.

Jordan: Well I’m not one for big intros so I’ll make this brief and to the point…

People tend to listen to what I have to say because:

  • I’m a Westside Barbell Certified Strength Coach
  • I’m a Precision Nutrition Certified Nutritional Consultant
  • I’m an IPA Powerlifting World Record Holder
  • I’ve been featured in various publications such as T-Nation,, Muscle and Fitness Magazine, etc.

In short, I’ve been extraordinarily fortunate to learn from people a lot smarter than myself which has enabled me to help others. Fitness aside though, I’m a huge travel nerd (I just want see the world in all of it’s shining and shimmering splendour – Aladdin reference) and want to enjoy life as much humanly possible.

me: You make me sick. How dare you reference Aladdin before me?

Jordan: Keep you on your toes man. Gotta step up your game.

me: You couldn’t handle me on my toes, but we’ll get to that in a minute. So let’s talk about your past a little bit – specially at West Side. How was it like? What did you do, and what are the 3-5 most valuable things you learnt from that experience?

Jordan: Training at Westside was unlike anything I’ve ever done in my entire life. See, people talk about Westside and their methods as if they really know what they’re talking about… but in reality, no one knows Westside unless they’ve actually trained at Westside. Period.

There’s tons of misinformation circulating about what Westside recommends, but most of what people say is bullshit. Unless you’ve been there and trained for an extensive period of time, trust me – you don’t know Westside at all.

When I trained there I lifted a minimum of 8x/week. I trained 2x/day every Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday with some smaller sessions on Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday. It was unquestionably the most gruelling experience I’ve ever gone through. Anyone who says Westside is only strong because of the drugs is out of their freakin mind. Westside is strong because they train harder than anyone else.

Don’t beleive me? Go there and train – most people couldn’t make it through a single workout.

As for the 3-5 most valuable things I learned? That’s a great question:

1) I learned what it takes to get strong. Like stupid strong. Brutally and offensively strong. Contrary to what most people think, it has more to do with the mind than anything else. Get past your own limiting beliefs, lift heavy weights, and the strength will come.

2) I learned to NEVER stop asking questions. Louie is ALWAYS refining his methods and searching for the absolute best way of doing things. Lots of people say Westside is stubborn because they never change their methods. That’s utter nonsense. Westside is CONSTANTLY changing to be better, stronger, and faster.

3) I learned that strength is the foundation of all other athletic qualities. Want to be faster? Get strong first. Want to have better endurance? Get strong first. Strength is the base of the athletic pyramid and without it you will go nowhere. First and foremost…GET STRONG!

“…in reality, no one knows Westside unless they’ve actually trained at Westside. Period.” (Tweet This)

me: That’s quite refreshing to hear – I too hear of people talking about Westside, then when I ask them if they’ve ACTUALLY trained there, their answer is almost always “no”. All this brutal training makes me want to take a trip. I want to be knighted by Louie with a rusted old barbell. Think he’ll bite?

Jordan: I dont’ know if he’ll knight you with a rusted barbell…but he’ll definitely slap one on your back and show you how to Squat more then you ever thought possible

me: Screw that, I’m taking the Gray Cook train of thought on this one: “Work the deadlift. Maintain the squat” – even though he really looks like he doesn’t lift. Bet he has good balance though. But truth be told I work the squat most often because I hate it the most. While we’re on the subject of squats – let’s talk box squats. Poliquin thinks it’s useless for performance. I stand somewhere in the middle; I think it’s a fantastic teaching aid. Anyone that has had trouble sitting back, I’ve helped with box squats while making sure their ankle mobility isn’t on par with the malleability of dried plywood. What say you, Jordy?

“Contrary to what most people think, strength has more to do with the mind than anything else.”
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Jordan: Haha I’m more of a middleman on this one as well. I used to be all about the Box Squat but as I’ve coached more and more lifters (especially raw lifters and a variety of athletes) I’ve found that the Box Squat alone will not produce the best results.

As of right now I use the Box Squat:

  • As a teaching tool (it’s always my first Squat progression)
  • As a valid Squat variation intermittently throughout the training cycle
  • When someone needs to develop Starting Strength as opposed to improving the Stretch Reflex
  • With geared Powerlifters
  • Individuals with knee pain/injury

I guess there’s a lot of instances in which I’d use the Box Squat but, truth be told, with Raw lifters I use free squats more than box squats

me: Right on. Alright so after Westside, it is generally known that you put on a tiara, and twirled around till your somehow ended up at Cressey Performance, amirite? Or did that go differently? All these rumours… I need to know what is true!

Jordan: Correct, suh. Don’t forget that it was also very fabulous and functional. But yeah, I was fortunate enough to be accepted as an intern at CP the following winter. Come to think of it, Eric was one of the first people to warn me of the dangers of excessive box squatting…

me: Really? If you can dig deep, and recall his reasoning behind that I’d love to hear it…and so would the readers, but at this point there’s only like 3 left so whatever; just me and you baby!

Jordan: Haha that’s intimate… I like it. So the main reason he expressed in our conversation was the need to develop the stretch reflex. When you Squat to a box, you don’t use the Stretch Reflex as effectively (if at all) which can create problems for Raw lifters and other athletes. He didn’t say they were useless, just to keep that little factoid in mind as I designed programs.

me: Makes sense to me – not using the stretch reflex can take serious poundages out of your squat – It’s also the reason why waiting for the bench command is such a bitch at competitions. So I guess I’ll ask you a similar question about your internship like I did with WestSide. How was the experience working with Cressey (Rog Law tells me he’s a cyborg – I’ll need verification on that) and what are 3 most important lessons you learnt while you were there?

“I’ve found that the Box Squat alone will not produce the best results”
>> Tweet this quote

Jordan: Well it’s interesting the conversation took a turn this way because after my internship at Cressey, I wrote an article entitled “6 Principles from Westside Barbell and Cressey Performance” that explained the similarities and differences between the two gyms. For those interested you can read the article HERE 

Now, in regard to your questions:

1) Yes, Cressey is a cyborg. Unquestionably the smartest guy I’ve ever met. It’s honestly scary. Not only is he extraordinarily smart but he’s a ridiculously hard worker. He never stops. I don’t know how he does it.

2) What are the 3 most important lessons I learned from Cressey? Hmm, let’s see…

  • Always Assess; Never Assume! The importance of individual assessments cannot be overstated. We’re all built and function differently. That being the case, we need to assess each and every person in order to create the safest and most efficient programs.
  • Learn your functional anatomy! I would always pester Eric with question upon question upon question so one day he asked me to name all of the muscles attaching to the scapulae – there are 17. When I could only name 8 or 9 he challenged me to learn them all. Of course I did and I still remember them to this day. I’ve also taken extra anatomy classes in school per his recommendation. While they were undoubtedly boring lessons, the knowledge I’ve gained from taking those courses and learning the anatomy is truly incredible. As Eric once said to me “how can you know what the body does if you don’t know what the body is?”
  • Training doesn’t have to be all serious. You can have fun too! Training at CP was a blast. I loved hanging out and joking with the staff and athletes. We always had a great time and enjoyed each others company. Never take yourself too seriously in the gym – aim to have fun
“Cressey is a cyborg. Unquestionably the smartest guy I’ve ever met.”
>> Tweet This Quote

me: Haha I remember Aragon saying on facebook that when Eric spoke at a conference one time, you could tell by the faces of every trainer in the audience that they had forgotten their anatomy. Shit, I’m no exception – which is why I still have my massive anatomy book I got in college within an arm’s reach. It’s the only book I didn’t re-sell to the younger punks.

Jordan: Haha same here. Fortunately I saved all my slides from anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, etc. so I can reference them any time I need.

me: I’m the only brown guy that hates rote memorization. I’m pretty sure I bring much shame to my parents. Some ex girlfriends are angry as well – apparently remembering things such as their birthday and the date we met is like, important to them or something.

Jordan: They can’t be that upset…how can they expect you to remember everything when you look so damn good? They really need to pick their battles imo

me: I know right? And I’m not sure that I stroke myself as hard as you just stroked my inner self esteem just now. But I love you for it!

Jordan: The first ones for free. the next ones gonna cost ya

me: Baby I roll with my Amex Black Card – like me, it has no limits! But before the bromance takes off, let’s move on to something we both love more than chicks, beer and quite possibly life itself: The Deadlift.

Like me, you’re a known puller. However, UNLIKE me you love to spread your legs every chance you get, or use the “Sumo Stance” as they call it. First tell us why you use the stance and also, if there was a newbie lifter that wanted to know what stance to pick – how would you do to help him pick? (or her – don’t want this interview to cater to inequality or anything.)

Jordan: I use Sumo because I can lift more than I can Conventional. I’m a PowerLifter and I want to lift as heavy as possible. That’s the only reason. That being said, I use the Conventional Deadlift within my training programs for variation but, during competition, I only pull Sumo. I’d note, some people pull better Sumo and others pull better Conventional. It’s all up to individual preference. For a new lifter I almost always start out with Sumo because:

1) It’s what I’m most comfortable with as a coach

2) It puts less stress on the lower back

3) It places a greater emphasis on the hips, glutes, hamstrings

4) It’s, in my opinion, easier to learn than conventional.

Afterwards I’ll teach them Conventional and we’ll play with the different variations to decide what feels best for her/him. There really is no “right” or “wrong” on this front. There’s only what works best for each individual.

me: What? No “my way or the highway”? Why are you so balanced?

Jordan: I squat on a bosu ball…that’s supposed to help my balance i think

me: hahaha. But actually, that’s interesting how you start coaching with sumo. I myself am a terrible sumo puller.

Jordan: I’ve found that most people who think they’re terrible at Sumo pulling just need a little extra coaching. Let me put my hands on you, place you in the right position, and you’ll be pulling heavy sumo in no time. (yea that was supposed to sound sexual)

me: That’s what I wanted all along – I’m smart that way. Also, we forgot to say #NOHOMO at the start of this interview, but it’s too late now. The bromance is strong in here. Alright so let’s move things along to my version of the 3×3. Tell me 3 of the most common errors you see people make for the squat, bench and dead and your quick fixes for each.

Jordan: lol shit man that’s going to be one wicked long response and would honestly take me hours to write. I’ll make this easier on the both of us and link you to 3 articles in which I answered those exact questions. Below the links I’ll list the 3 most common mistakes for that given exercise.

Back Squat – Common Errors:

  • Not Sitting Back
  • Pressing through the toes
  • Finishing with the lower back

Bench Press – Common Errors:

  •  Moving the feet
  •  Not packing your shoulders
  •  Bending your wrists

Deadlift: Common Errors

  •  Grip Width: too close or too wide
  •  Starting with the chest parallel to the ground
  •  Bouncing the weight off the ground

To see the fixes, though, do make sure you check out the following articles

1) Back Squat: 

2) Bench Press: 

3) Deadlift:

me: Excellent. I think that’s enough info for even the most dim-witted baboon to fix their game to an exceptional level in terms for the big 3. So let’s talk nutrition. I want to know if you belong to any specific nutrition “camp” such as Intermittent Fasting, Low Carb, Carb Cycling etc. Or are you just a general macro kinda guy?

Jordan: No man I don’t belong to any camp. I go with whatever works for the individual. I guess you could say I’m more of a IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) kind of guy, but I still obviously stress a diet largely consisting of whole/unprocessed/natural foods.

me: Yeah, eating “out of the box” instead of what’s in it.

Jordan: hahha as per usual, you’re right.

me: hah I know, it’s a habit I can’t seem to shrug off. So did you read Rippetoe’s latest article on Tnation? The whole “one barbell can solve all your problems” – because to me it sounded like an old cranky guy ranting. I wanted your quick thoughts on it.

Jordan: Honestly no I didn’t. I heard there was a lot of controversy over it, though, and just from the title I knew there was going to be some big backlash. But while I didn’t read it, based on the idea of thinking “1 barbell is all you need to solve all your problems…” I couldn’t disagree more.

me: You’ve just deprived this interview of some major conversation juice by not keeping up to date with trends! Damn it Jordan!

Jordan: Ah, plz accept my apologies!

me: Forgiven.

me: Alright so obviously, everyone has their sources of inspiration. I wanted to know if you can list some of your favourite pullers. Recently I’ve added Pete Rubish to my list – I admire strong mofos who always make an effort to maintain abs instead of getting fat as fuck.

Jordan: Brian Schwab and Lamar Grant are two of my all-time favourites largely because they’ve dominated the weight classes that I compete in. The weights those guys have put up are ungodly.

me: Literally – I think they were touched by higher beings in their naughty area. I have no idea when Lamar’s record will be beat, if ever. Though Richard Hawthorne seems close. Honestly though, I just don’t think we’re black enough bro.

Jordan: hahaha don’t remind me man. I still have dreams of being the best!

me: Maybe if we were to some how combine into one supreme lifting beast of a life-form, we could pull it off.

Jordan: I have some ideas…but they’re too explicit to talk about in a public interview.

me: Hey, I’m not ashamed of our awesomeness I don’t see why you gotta be. But fine, let’s talk about something you feel all cozy with – females.

Jordan: hahaha ok what do you wanna know

me: Any female lifters you currently crushin’ on? I mean… er, find inspiration from? Don’t worry, I’m sure any ladyfriend you’re currently courting will understand, this is a serious interview and I demand honest answers and shit.

Jordan: Haha well since you’re “demanding” answers, she can’t get mad at me…I hope. There’s honestly a ton of sexy female lifters out there and as strength training becomes more mainstream (especially for women) the number of sexy ladies seems to be growing at an exponential rate.

Jean Fry from Westside Barbell is one of the strongest and most gorgeous women I’ve ever met. All the ladies from GirlsGoneStrong are extraordinarily beautiful (I have a big kindergarten crush on Marianne Kane). And obviously Joy Victoria is one of the smartest, strongest, and sexiest coaches out there.

me: I asked you to pick specifics and turned into a kid in a candy store, and were like “I choose them all!”

Can’t blame you though. And yeah Joy is definitely fierce. I n fact, I need to get her on here at some point – gotta balance the chicks and dicks ratio.

Jordan: Haha yeah well it’s hard to pick one, there’s lots of strong and sexy ladies. What’s not to like? And totally, I’d love to see you interview Joy – it would be epic. From what I’ve read she’s got an incredible story. Truly very inspirational

me: ^ Egg-xactly. And there is one thing I don’t like about this women lifting movement – lately, I just can’t seem to go long term with chicks that don’t lift. I just can’t. Shit has been embedded into my attraction circuits and the pipelines that lead to my man hood.

Jordan: Haha I know what you mean, man. There’s something ridiculously sexy about a girl who lifts heavy things up and puts them back down.

me: If I had a fat girlfriend right now, I’d make her read this interview for the subtle hint you just dropped: “look baby, I interviewed a good buddy of mine, you gotta read this”

Jordan: hahaha you’re ridiculous, man. I love it.

me: lol it’s my ability to care for other’s well being that sets me apart, you know?

“There’s something ridiculously sexy about a girl who lifts heavy things up and puts them back down.”
>> Tweet This Quote

me: Ok so you ready for this final interview phase? It’s called RAPID FIRE round.

Jordan: So down. Let’s do it.

me: Alright here’s how it works – I’ll ask you a question, you answer as quickly as possible in about 3 words or less. Unless I decide to be a prick and ask you a trick question which requires more than 3 words…

Jordan: Sounds like a good time. Shoot.

me: 1. Your favourite supplement?

Jordan: Creatine

me: 2. You favorite “cheat” meal?

Jordan: Meatlovers pizza

me: (Ohh good choice. See I knew there was a reason for our bromance)

3. If you had to pick ONE song to lift to for the rest of your life?

Jordan: The opening song from the Lion King

me: Bahaha. Oh man, did not expect that one. Your sexual attraction score just went up.

Jordan: Boing!

me: 4. One thing that makes you awesome (or “unique” as the politically correct dorks would say)

Jordan: I’m Jewish and I love bacon. #SorryImNotSorry

me: Haha one of my best friends – she is a Jew. Definitely making her read this just because of that reply.

5. Your poison of choice?

Jordan: Dogfish Head 90min IPA (I’m assuming you were talking about alcohol)

me: (you assumed correctly)

Jordan: You and I know each other so well

me: Yeah it’s crazy right? I don’t think anyone would believe we still haven’t actually man-hugged in person yet.

Jordan: That will happen soon!

me: It fucking better! 6. Top non-food related guilty pleasure?

Jordan: Harry Potter. I could read those books over and over and over and over and over. Still pissed I never got my letter to Hogwarts.

me: If you were just looking for an excuse to wave your wand around, I’m sure Dick will want in on the action as well. I’ll give him a call.

Jordan: You is so kind, sir!

me: Always looking out for my homies, yo know? Now, 7. What book are you currently reading?

Jordan: The big one is Assessment and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes. Also reading Background by Bret Contreras, re-reading Motivational Interviewing, and need to read Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

me: That’s not 3 words or less! Damn Joos!

Jordan: Couldn’t help it!

me: 8. Favourite movie of all time?

Jordan: American History X

me: Wurd. 9. Favourite position…?

Jordan: 1-legged wheelbarrow on a bosu ball (I like to have functional sex)

me: …while BENCHING! You didn’t let me finish my question you dirty ho!

Jordan: Well this isn’t awkward…

me: But nice to know you like to get creative under them sheets – my lady readers will like that one. By the way, I saw them dimels video…

Jordan: lol that get quite the response

me: I’ve never seen someone hump the shit outta a bar like you did

Jordan: My goal is to snap a bar in half by 2015. I think I can do it

me: You’re already damn close. I honestly don’t know why that video isn’t the front and center of your website. After watching it, just ask for an opt-in. No bribe, no bullshit needed.

Jordan: haha “Learn how to do THIS!”

me: Or… “How go impregnate anything and everything you desire… ENTER your email below for FREE video” – Hows dat?

Jordan: Honestly I bet that would convert insanely well… Brb changing my opt-in form right meow.

me: Ahaha I better get royalties on that somehow

Jordan: I’ll give you free personal lessons. Hands on.

me: This feels awkward… asking a Joo for royalties. That’s like me giving a stripper a lap dance.

Jordan: lololol!! Don’t act like you’ve never done it before.

me: …you know me too fucking well.

Jordan: It’s because we’re so similar – i’ve done the same thing

me: You and I were clearly separated at birth. My mother just chose the one with a sexual perma-tan. I still love your white ass DOE

Jordan: hahahah! Legit just laughed out loud.

me: haha this feels like Maury or something: “And DNA test reveals… you ARE the brother” – But on second thought, that would make my mom a big hoebag (sorry ma)

Jordan: ahahahah. Luv you mama

me: Ditto. Ok final question… 10. One thing that pisses you off about our industry?

Jordan: When people try to intimidate other people in the gym.What the fuck is the point? Why are you trying to give someone a dirty look in between sets? Just mind your own business and, if anything, offer a smile. For Christ’s sake, people get way too serious in the gym. Have some fun and make it a welcoming experience for everyone.

Oh, I also hate when people lift their shirts up and look at their abs while pretending to wipe the sweat off their face. Wait the 45 fucking minutes and then stare at yourself in your own private mirror all you want.

Sorry for the rant

me: haha like I said, on my turf anything goes. You are allowed to be “human.” Oh and I lied. I mentioned on BookFace that we’re throwing down and interview, and have some questions for Joo:

Greg Ohnoez asked about improving the bench but I think we covered that earlier when we talked about the top mistakes and such (if you want to add more to that, feel free).

However, Dick asks: “oh heres a real question… Jordan is a record PL lifter. that fucker Shortkid is a record PL lifter supposedly as well. both are same height but Jordan looks like he lifts whereas Shortkid just looks like a fat lil’ monkey. why?”

Jordan: hahah oh shit. I must admit, that’s a very thought provoking question and it could be for a variety of reasons. I don’t know Shortkid so I can’t say for certain but I know I started seeing gainz after my barmitzvah. Maybe we should get him barmitzvah’d asap so he can start getting big gainz.

me: hah shit I might do the same you know. For the gains.

Jordan: We’ll have a mass barmitzvah for the fitness industry. i’ll be the rabbi.

me: SO down. Oh and Dick also asks “why do you keep stealing our asian women?”

Jordan: Ya know, few people know this about Dick but I saw him steal someone else’s gingerbread cookies at a Christmas party this past December. I think the more important question is why Dick thinks it’s O.K. to steal (and bite the heads off of) cookies that don’t belong to him!

me: Haha there might be some subtle metaphors in there but I’m too lazy to dig them out. He was a fat kid once though, which as we know never leaves a person, even if they are jacked.

Jordan: lol no metaphors. true story. cookie stealer.

me: haha then we shall raid his Fitocracy office. Then fly everyone to Sweden to meet this Bojan dude. BTW if you haven’t tried his LIZA program I suggest you do… because I want you to cry me a river

Jordan: I read it man and holy shit that thing looks fucking ridiculous! I have cried for all those brave enough to try it.

me: …Mother Terisa over here

Jordan: Although I’m sure the pain is worth it cause of all their gainzzz

me: Oh so true. Alright how should we end this? Because in person it would involve a man hug then chest bump. Any last words?

Jordan: I’ll say thank you very much for having me and when it’s over I’ll send you a nekked pic to show you my true gratitude

me: Always leave em wanting more. I like it. How can people reach you in case they want to give you an ass squeeze?

Jordan: They can find me over at or follow me on twitter @syattfitness – That’s all i’ve gotta say. Now I need to go hit up a Dynamic Effort Bench Press session and then meet up with my girl for massive feast. Thank you for everything Sahil. You inspire me each and every day. Love your work and love your glutes. Sending the pic right meow. I’d like one in return

me: Haha sounds good dude. Mine is quite a LARGE file so be patient – Google just can’t handle me. And this was fun, good to see I could finally bring you on. Later buddy.

Jordan: Later man!

The End

So that’s that. As always, things got a little ridiculous, but that’s how it goes when you ditch the rules and create an environment where “anything goes”. If you learnt something, had a good laugh or just enjoyed the bromance, be sure to share and spread the interview around.

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About The Author

Coach Sahil is the founder of HTS, a National Deadlift record setter and author of a multitude of books. Click Here to learn more about him.


  • Smitthon July 30, 2013 at 1:12 am

    Holy shit that was awesome – one of the best interviews I’ve ever read. I’d love to see you do more!

  • Anderson July 30, 2013 at 1:23 am

    Wow you guys are light as fuck… but I gotta respect the fact that you can lift so much. Also, it’s nice to finally hear the TRUE story behind WestSide

  • Nancy July 30, 2013 at 1:25 am

    I think I have a crush on both of you… hope my husband doesn’t know I read your site to fill my craving for good looking, intelligent bad ass men. HEHE!

    • FitJerk July 30, 2013 at 2:09 am

      Email me a picture ASAP. Don’t worry – I won’t tell anyone. It’ll be our little secret.

  • Clark July 30, 2013 at 1:27 am

    Just checked out Cressey on YouTube – the man has an incredible deadlift. I’d love to train under him. FJ you’re a fucking saint for doing this interview man.

  • Monster Mitchell July 30, 2013 at 1:29 am

    Ya’ll too fucking skinny. SO WHAT if you can lift 3x your bodyweight, it still ain’t squat compared to my 600lbs pull. I will give props in the information here though, it seems pretty solid. But seriously, lift a little more.

    • Carter Hernandez July 30, 2013 at 1:31 am

      STFU mitchell – no one gives a shit about your 300lbs fat ass that can lift 600lbs. FJ and Jordan are legitimate beasts. I bet you hide behind your lame ass Wilk’s score as well don’t you?

      Fucking fagget

      • FitJerk July 30, 2013 at 2:10 am

        You get em soldier – I fucking love my Jerk army.

        P.S: minus the whole derogatory name against homos. Don’t be hatin on the gay dudes – they’re cool as fuck. Plus they help me get laid.

  • Barbara July 30, 2013 at 1:33 am

    Being someone who’s a newbie that just started lifting (thanks to YOUR STUFF FJ), I have to say this interview was truly something insightful.

  • Dallas Richards February 4, 2014 at 2:14 pm

    That was a big aha! moment for some of you, I’m sensing. But the rules lawyers amongst you still have questions: “Okay, Anne, I accept that requesting a writing sample at the querying stage is a pretty good way to spot the strong stylists right off the bat. I can even see that by accepting those pages up front, Millicent can save herself a great deal of time: instead of basing her assessment of whether to request the manuscript or book proposal upon the query alone, then having to wait until those requested materials arrive in order to reject them on page 1, she can skip a step.

  • seo plugin December 30, 2014 at 2:05 pm

    Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword….wait there’s even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at. Seo Plugin

  • Resource website February 23, 2015 at 4:23 pm

    Good job with citing. Your sources are great.

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