10 Laws Of Fitness, Fat Loss And Strength

The fitness industry gives me a conflicting feeling; on one hand, I’m constantly amazed at how much knowledge we’ve accumulated as a species over the years when it comes to strength, weight loss, hypertrophy etc.

But then at other times, I’ll be listening to a specialist give a speech on something like muscle imbalances and all I can think is, “damn, we’ve barely scratched the surface!”

It’s exciting and depressing at the same time – like a quick makeout session with a drunk candidate at a party, which eventually leads to nowhere.

However, while new information may come and go, I’ve realized there are certain pieces of advice which I practically consider “laws” because they are so effective and almost never fail.

These laws are tried, tested and true and will serve you well; as long as your goal continues to revolve around transforming your body to look as strong and sexy as possible. On with the list…

1. The Mirror Is More Important Than The Scale

selfThis is a point I harp on over and over to almost everyone I work with. It doesn’t matter what the scale says, it’s what the mirror reveals that is more important. Body fat callipers and a measuring tape are far better tools to have in your arsenal.

A pound of fat, or a pound of muscle? The scale doesn’t know the difference.

Another way to look at it is this: when you’re walking down the beach with your shirt off (ladies if you rock the beach with your shirt off… call me), are people going to know what you weigh? Better question, are the going to give a rat’s ass what you weigh? Absolutely not.

All they’re going to notice is whether you have abs or are a fat slob. That’s it. Period. People are too worried about their own body image to care whether you have 16 inch arms or if your waist is 32 rather than 33 inches. If your body is lean enough to make an initial positive impression, you’ve won.

2. Eating An Excess Of One Macronutrient Doesn’t Make You Fat…

eating cake

I can’t believe this type of stupidity still continues to surface around the web. Some say eating too much fat makes you fat, some say eating too many carbs makes you fat, and I’ve even heard a few say that eating too much protein will be converted it into fat.

Absolute nonsense.

It’s not whether you eat too many carbs or fats, it’s your overall caloric intake. If it’s higher than your maintenance requirement, then you my friend, will be on your way to look like the Michelin Man. Or you’ll gain muscle size if your workouts are on point.

Whether you eat 20 grams of protein or 8.8 grams of fat, it still equals 80 calories.

This is how people such as Mark Haub managed to lose a significant amount of weight eating nothing but junk food, while sending everyone on social media into a frenzy.


Yeah, it’s called caloric restriction. Having said that, do proper macronutrient ratios have an effect on body composition?

Of course they do, eating fat all day long while staying under your maintenance requirement won’t nearly be as optimal as having a proper amount of protein, carbs and fats. But realize that when you talk about macro ratios, you’re talking about fine tuning your diet. Fine tuning comes after having a solid grasp in the basics. You wouldn’t detail your car before you paint a base color on it would you?

I sure as hell hope not.

3. Eat Whole Eggs; Ditch Egg Whites

egg_energySeriously, anyone who says that egg whites are better than eggs, needs to be egged. Also, please do yourself a favor and run from these moronic individuals. The war on the egg yolk is blown completely out of proportion and it pisses me off for two reasons:

One, because I love eggs and two, because eggs have already been proven to be safe for consumption at up to 3 per day and have a great effect on satiety. Want proof of all this? Seek our research by Njike et al, Ratcliff et al and Katz et al.

Bottom line? Stop your fear of cholesterol and eat whole eggs. Scrambled, sunny side, omelettes… whatever. Get cracking and stop yappin’.

4. The Deadlift Is King

While squats are a close second, the undisputed king of exercises is the deadlift. This includes all of it’s variations such as rack pulls, snatch grip deadlift, Romanian, stiff leg etc. While I can understand why some trainers can call squat the king, it just doesn’t work the arms enough in my opinion, so the Squat can remain as the queen; something a King needs but can do without.

I honestly dare you to find me a man (or woman) that can deadlift 500+ lbs and has small, undefined arms, a weak core, small traps and noodle legs. Here’s a hint: you can’t!

One of the most successful strength coaches of all time (C.Poliquin) has himself said that if there was only one exercise he would do with a bar to pack on lean mass, gain strength and keep the fat off, it would be the snatch grip deadlift. And honestly, that’s quite the recommendation. You would be wise to follow such advice.

5. Everything Works At Least Once

It’s funny to see people argue over specifics of one training routine over the other. This eventually leads to an all out nerd fitness battle where study references are being thrown around, and intelligent conversations morph into trash talking, chest thumping and “yo momma” jokes.

I’d know since in the past, I’ve been sucked into plenty of such arguments.

And if I’m honest, I love reading that shit. Don’t judge me; I hate almost every single variation of drama in real life, so this is the only guilty pleasure I have. But the fact of the matter is, if a workout provides a stimulus your body has never encountered before, it will produce some type of result.

Whether this result is small or highly dramatic will depend on the program design but it will cause something, and that’s because almost everything works once.

This is why I encourage people try exercises they haven’t before such as muscle ups, powercleans, snatches, overhead squats etc. New stimulus keeps you on your toes and prevents boredom. Just remember that new stimulus should go hand-in-hand with progressive overload. There is a happy balance you need to aim for. If you vary things too often, then you’ll just end up looking like a CrossFitter, and see zero gains.

And you should never go full CrossFit.

6. Get Laid Often

shower_sexNeed I say more?

Actually, I think I will. Regular sex elevates mood and in my humble opinion, helps people get out of depression. Think about it: it’s almost impossible to feel like shit after getting laid. This is why when guys get dumped and seek solace from their male friends, the first piece of advice they (should) get, is to meet other women!

Life is short, and moving on is the only viable solution. You’ll have to do it eventually, so why not now? And to be honest, this is great advice for women too.

I mean, for the amount of money therapists charge, they should just offer sexual services; I bet this will solve at least half of their client’s problems. After All, the adult sex industry is worth billions, so why not tap into its potential? ;)

I can’t speak for women but in men, I can pretty much guarantee the common denominator between guys that believe life sucks, people suck and want to kill themselves, is that they are just not getting laid.

What? Oh you think it’s a deep psychological issue?

Maybe. But don’t forget sex is one of the most basic of human needs. Not getting it probably sets of a whole slew of mental bullshit into motion, and eventually leads to issues that spiral out of control.

I would love to see a study conducted on this; just get a bunch of depressed, unmotivated guys laid and see what happens. I’m sure you’ve seen this phenomenon at some point in your life. A certain someone is acting all depressed and being a complete downer, then as soon as they find a sexual partner it’s all happy times again.

Sex also has a host of other benefits, and can help you burn 200-300 calories per hour, so there’s always that. Bottom line? Get laid so you can get your sanity back.

A Quick Disclaimer: Yes I know sex isn’t the answer to everyone’s depression problems, so please don’t email me saying otherwise. 

7. The RDA Protein Requirement Is Stupid

Honestly, 0.8g per kg? Why don’t I just lick a cow? I’ll get more in my system that way.

Who comes up with this crap? If I’m honest, 0.8g of protein per kg might be ok for your grandma, but if you’re lifting the heavy stuff (you should be) and want a body of a mythical Greek god (or goddess), then a gram of protein per lbs of bodyweight (or 2.2g/kg) is the minimum golden standard. The proof is in the research and it’s as easy as going to PubMed to find it.

Also, protein has a wonderful satiating effect so it’s also a great tool for those that are trying to lose weight. Nothing more needs to be said.

8. Compound Movements Trump Isolation Monkey Business

This means: Chinups over curls, close grip bench over dumbbell kick backs, overhead press over shoulder flys, barbell squat over quad extension… and so on. Whether you want to torch the fat or gain muscle mass, make sure every time you lift, you involve as many muscle groups as possible.

If an exercise can be done while standing or sitting, take the standing option. If you can combine a few movements together, then do that (again, without going full CrossFit).

The reason compound movements work so well?

Because your body was meant to move as a unit, so you need to train it that way. Another benefit is the overloading effect – you can put your muscles under a higher level of stress with the bench press than you can with cable flys. A bigger stimulus results in more calories burnt, greater hormone response and faster muscle growth.

Does this mean bicep curls are useless? No, as there is a time and place for isolation exercises – generally, after you’ve done your compound work.

As an example: doing curls after deadlifts and rows? Awesome. Doing them before? The height of stupidity.

9. Supplements Are Never The Answer

Again, this is one of those things that I still need to harp on with everyone. They are called supplements because they are meant to “support” an already established plan that is helping you reach your goal. It’s like adding fuel to a fire.

Is your goal to lose weight? Then unless you have a plan in place that is already helping you drop at least a pound or two a week, don’t bother with fat burners, weight loss powders, the ECA stack etc.

Is your goal to gain mass? Then unless you’re eating enough food and are lifting heavy enough to gain a pound a week, don’t bother with mass gainers, pre-workouts and all that other jazz.

It’s a well known fact that Creatine works, but add it to a lacklustre plan and you’ll barely see results. However, add it to a plan that already works, and you’ll gain mass and strength like you wouldn’t believe. Food and fundamentals before supplementation.

10. Always, ALWAYS Track Your Workouts

trackingIn five years from now, you should be able to go back into your logs and check exactly how much you squatted, for how many reps and sets and be able to compare that to the squat you have today. And you should also be able to check what you were doing 5 years ago. If you can’t, how the HELL are you going to measure your progress?

It’s like running a business. If you don’t manage your expenses, invoices, profits and all that highly exciting stuff, how the hell do you know what you’re netting in profits at the end of the year? Well, you won’t.

So if you are going to bother working out, take the time to track everything. And if you’re doing silly workouts where you cannot track the progress, ditch that and get a proper coach to design a customized plan just for you. While Zumba might seem fun and a great way to sweat, it’s not exactly trackable, nor is it ideal for someone who wants to get strong or build muscle.

I’m not saying you have to get numerically obsessed, but you should be able to compare numbers and see basic trends to see if you’re getting stronger, weaker or hitting a plateau.

Let’s Wrap This Up

As I stated earlier – the amount of knowledge in the fitness field is expanding by the day. As someone who’s job it is to make sure my clients nail their goals, even I find it hard to keep up with. The ten laws you see above are the golden nuggets extracted from a vast amount of raw, unrefined pieces of information.

Us them, and they will serve you well – just as they have for me and the vast amount of clients I’ve coached.

This list is by no means complete or fully comprehensive since that would take up too much time. But if you have any laws of your own that you think are important, throw them in the comments section below.

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About The Author

Coach Sahil is the founder of HTS, a National Deadlift record setter and author of a multitude of books. Click Here to learn more about him.


  • BeardedFitness March 16, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    God rules to follow. Everything said is a staple. Even the sex part. It is all about having a balanced life. I would like to point out that the main things to look at when being active (and wanting results) are tracking workouts/calorie intake, using compound muscle exercises, and weighing yourself AS WELL AS using a tape measure/pictures for comparison. If you keep to these three basic things then the goal will be obtained faster than ever. Great post man.

  • Michael Mostardi March 17, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    Hey! I liked your blog and I really enjoyed reading about the 10 Laws Of Fitness. I learned a lot reading it, that’s for sure!

    P.S. If any of you reading this blog are looking to lose some weight, you should check out my little page.

  • Nick Haley March 17, 2011 at 10:44 pm

    I couldn’t agree more with you. It amazes me that there are only a handful of people in my gym that carry a notebook around with them to track their workout and progress. I mean, I have a pretty good memory, but I can’t remember everything I did in the gym. Not to mention, it feels good to look through my notebook from time to time and see how far I’ve come. Also, pictures speak a thousand words. I take progress pictures of myself once a month, in addition to measurements.

    And who can argue with more sex?

  • Workout without Weights March 19, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Excellent guide, and all no nonsense. I hugely agree with the compound movements one. Big lifts that involve your entire body (like the deadlift) are great for racking on muscle and adding muscle. I also agree about the eggs — that fat is so good for you, the past days of no good fats are out.

    I also like the mirror truth. Who cares if you bounce around a few pounds, it’s what it looks like that counts.

    Great post!

    – JB

    • george May 26, 2014 at 8:17 am

      haha ha ha great post guys

  • heart rate monitor watch March 20, 2011 at 8:10 am

    Very informative. But here I’d like to emphasis the 10th Law – Always, ALWAYS Track Your Workouts. Yes, If you set a workout goal, you have to track your progress. I myself has a heart rate monitor watch to help me do this. Its very helpful specially it helps me keep motivated.

  • Gina Howea March 22, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    I’m so happy to see that some people make sense. Rule No.1 – I’ve always said that fitness for the sake of it is nowhere near as satisfying as lookin good. People aren’t always impressed by how much you can lift, but most people are impressed by a hot body. I know I am and I’m only a little bit shallow.

    More sex and more eggs. Lovely.

  • Six Pack March 24, 2011 at 9:11 am

    I need for my wife to read you need to have sex on a regularly basic lol… I totally agree with your article. The information you provided it is great for burning fat especially off your belly. Sweating is the best way to lose weight. These exercises are great for getting a six pack

  • Fitness Blog March 27, 2011 at 8:06 pm

    Great stuff! I especially agree with deadlifts. Deadlifts help trigger muscle building fibers within the body and help burn more calories. There’s nothing like combination exercises that work more than one muscle group and put the whole body under stress!

  • CoachRollie March 31, 2011 at 3:46 pm

    Excellent post! I like the fact you use the term “fat loss”. I hate when the so called experts are still using weight loss and a scale to judge results.

  • no nonsense muscle building 2.0 April 3, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    Fantastic fantastic article!!
    I do have a few comments on no.3 and no.8:
    3) Because eggs are a great protein source (and not only) I usually eat like 10-12 eggs a day. Obviously my liver would go nuts if I kept all the yolks so I usually have 2 yolks and 8-10 whites which is OK for me. Tested and works great.
    8) I try to combine a compound exercise with an isolation one. I always recommend compound exercises for beginners but for intermediate and advanced bodybuilders an isolation exercise is a must. My opinion.

    No Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0

  • Tom J April 5, 2011 at 5:53 pm

    The article it has it’s tips, and for my wife was something. After she read this she told me lets go in the bedroom.:)) At the first time i was believed that she was joking, but taking another look at her, in the next moment i was jumped out of the couch and going to the bedroom. Again this is great article, and my story is too crazy to not be tell.

  • stephen April 15, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    I especially agree about you paragraph on calories are calories, whatever the form they are in – so many people seem to think that eating certain types of food will lower their weight dramaticaly. And yes, ‘Everything Works At Least Once’ is a golden truth – it’s amazing how even just changing an exercise slightly can lead to quick impovements!

  • Pallet racking inspection Toronto April 16, 2011 at 2:40 am

    Fitness is the key to la healthy long live. Without fitness you can not be fit, if it is not fitness, then it is not fitness. It improves every aspects of human health including reproductive and family health life. Definitely agree all tips is really helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  • Andy April 16, 2011 at 9:58 am

    Awsome list – 1, 4, 8 and 9 are my fav. If only all newbies to the gym had this list handed to them!

  • Crista April 25, 2011 at 4:30 am

    You’re right, as usual. And sex – it’s one of the handful of basic human needs. side benefits , more sex = less time to eat, more sex=increased desire to have sex=less time thinking about food or stupid stuff, more sex=more opportunities to show off your gym body, lights off OR on. Cheers!

  • Kareem May 9, 2011 at 10:14 pm

    I personally agree with 1, 4, 6 and 10 very strongly. It wasn’t until I ditched the scale and focused on how I looked and felt that I started to see real changes. I have been doing a lot of strength and conditioning exercises lately instead of your typical bodybuilder type routines with great success. As far as deadlifts go… YES! Haha they really are king. Toootalllyyy needed! As far as the sex goes, who doesn’t agree with that? My programs are made for me by a friend (personal trainer) which are designed in a way to make it really easy to track. I knew every week that I’d have to push myself to beat my previous performance… and the only way I’d be able to do that would be if I tracked. Awesome article! Props!

  • Steve F May 15, 2011 at 10:53 am

    I’d argue (and have, repeatedly) that the power clean is second to the deadlift, not the squat. It’s biggest weakness is that you’re limited by the power available in your shoulders, so you shortchange your legs a bit as a tradeoff for the increased shoulder and bicep development you get as opposed to the deadlift. I love them both, however.

    I’d also recommend a slower absorbing protein than whey for your evening, before bed protein. Casein works great for this.

    I agree that people are completely out of their crackers about so many of the supplements out there these days. One of the biggest people I even new didn’t even eat amino acid supplements back in the ’80’s when they were all the rage. Why? Because he said, “Aminos are in almost everything I eat.” It was hard to argue with him.

    • - Fit Jerk - May 16, 2011 at 11:44 am

      I am a huge fan of PowerCleans and they truly kick my ass in the gym, but they cannot be second to deadlift for a two key reasons:

      1. Complex Motor Pattern – mastering the PC takes a shit load of practice and an ass load of time. The benefits are there, but the performance return on time invested for most people, specially when it comes to gaining overall mass, isn’t as good as the squat.

      2. Ability To Load – almost everyone can squat heavier than they can PC, and progressive overload as well as a high load in general will provide a better stimulus for growth, there is no question about that. You can also modify the squat’s tempo for explosive strength. It’s not as good as PC, but since you’re lifting more, it adds up.

      As for slow absorbing protein… that shit’s overrated. Just take in a quick protein source if you are taking supplements and if you want a slow protein source, consider grain fed beef. No need for casein… specially since it’s a prime ingredient in some of the strongest wood working glues. I don’t care what they say, that cannot be too great for overall long term health. But that’s just a hunch for now. One day I’ll PubMed that shit.

  • Outlawray May 28, 2011 at 10:33 am

    That was great! I swear its like I wrote it myself

  • Outlawray May 28, 2011 at 10:55 am

    I also think sex is great cardio. I suggest my married clients to have morning sex first thing in the morning. Its doing morning cardio on a empty stomach except with a prize ;) and a great way to start your day!

  • kanata health May 30, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    Loved that blog! Great info and a sense of humor, what more can you ask for
    Thanks FJ

  • Justin June 1, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    Gotta agree with #1, but think your #10 should be #2 instead.

    Without tracking what you’re doing (counting calories, workouts, etc) then you have NO idea where you’re going.

    That’s how most people get overweight in the first place!

  • Tatianna June 15, 2011 at 10:36 am

    I love your style of writing, always so straight forward and funny!

    • Fit Jerk January 24, 2012 at 1:10 am

      And I love yo face. It’s so adorable.

  • Yum Yucky June 27, 2011 at 2:21 pm

    There it is. This is my favorite post of yours…evah! And just so you know, I’m getting my protein from bacon tonight. And then I’ll prob’ly have some sex, maybe-possibly (if I don’t fall asleep on the couch again).

  • Nia Shanks October 7, 2011 at 11:41 am

    I friggin’ love #4. Enough said.

    • Fit Jerk January 24, 2012 at 1:10 am

      Comin form a badass i respect, that’s another nail in the “Squat is king” coffin.

  • Jack January 22, 2012 at 8:19 pm

    I’m in 100% agreement with everything except #2. Maybe I just misunderstood, but I think the “weight loss” subject is more complicated than simple calorie counting. If the exception proves the rule, then why do artificial sweeteners (which are zero calories) cause weight gain? Well, according to this study, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2892765/ it has to do with neural triggers. I’m just saying, the correlation between overall caloric intake and weight loss/gain is not so linear as to be useful diet advice.

    • Fit Jerk January 24, 2012 at 1:07 am

      It’s more linear than you might think. Caloric deficit is THE biggest piece of the puzzle when it comes to fat loss. Here it is in all it’s glory: http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html

      After caloric deficit, you need to look at shit like quality of food, hormonal balance (leptin, insulin, cortisol etc.), quality and intensity of workouts, pre/post workout nutrition etc.

  • SWK February 13, 2012 at 1:57 pm

    I don’t know why so many don’t understand that sex is the spice melange, the crack cocaine without the side effects, the alcohol without the DUI, the lava without the 3rd degree burns…yes… the best is what it is… or could and should be. :)

    The other stuff is great to keep in mind as well. ;)

  • Alice March 8, 2013 at 12:01 pm

    Recharge your sex life by skipping a night out and spending a night in getting your groove on with your partner. Not only is sex fantastic exercise, it’s fun, good for your mental health and having a healthy sex life actually decreases your appetite to the point you eat fewer calories without even realizing it.

  • Steve White July 29, 2013 at 12:59 am

    I enjoy the way you write, always so straight forward, easy to read and to the point with just a little bit of humour and I do think you are correct about #6!

  • Martin April 26, 2015 at 5:33 pm

    Well said. I especially agree with getting laid often and deadlifting. You have inspired me to strive for both of these today. One of them is guaranteed!

  • Tom Hofman July 16, 2015 at 12:35 pm

    #1 and #10 are both very true! Don’t get frustrated by your scale, use your mirror and always keep track of all your reps, sets and weights.

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